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History of Pharmacy in Iran

History of Pharmacy in Iran

The ancient history of pharmacy in Iran

History of pharmacy in Iran goes back to several centuries ago. The ancient history of pharmacy in Iran is an amalgamation of medico-pharmaceutical beliefs of Babylonians, Assyrians, inhabitants of Mesopotamian Plains as well as Greeks, Indians, Egyptians, and ancient Iranians
Babylonians and Assyrians believed that health and diseases were gift of Gods and treatment was based on prays and incantations. But their beliefs were not confined to magic and spiritual activities. R Campbell Thomson examined hundreds of clay tablets obtained from library of King Assurbanipal and found a valuable materia medica. He identified 250 vegetable drugs, 120 mineral drugs, alcoholic beverages, and parts of animals being used as drugs.

 Oldest documents of medicine and pharmacy of ancient Persia

Of the oldest documents of medicine and pharmacy of ancient Persia, one can mention the holy book of Avesta, as well as The Dinkard, The Zadsperam, and the memories of some Greek historians.

History of drug

It is interesting to mention that the term ”drug” is probably derived from the Avestan ancient term “darav” meaning the stem of a plant as the origin of medicinal herbs, (Dar in Current Farsi language stands for tree). This word later changed into “darug” in the median Farsi language, and then changed to “droga” in Latin, “drogue” in French” drug” in English and “daru” in Farsi language.

Pharmacists in the Jundishapur

The Jundishapur academic center was established during Sassanid Dynasty. This scientific center, due to its cosmopolitan centrality, can be considered as one of the earliest universities. One of the famous pharmacists in this school was Shapur Sahl. He composed his Aqrabadin Kabir (great formulary) in 869 CE, which became the first formulary to receive widespread acceptance and use in hospitals and pharmacies of the time. According to Edward Brown: “The most cogent evidence for ancient Iranian interest in pharmacy is the Iranian origin of many drug names in medieval medicine.


By /Categories: Blog/Published On: 2021-11-21/Tags: , , , , , /367 words/1.8 min read/

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About the Author: Jamal Rezaei Orimi

Jamal Rezaei Orimi