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World Philosophy Day

World Philosophy Day - 18 November

Vital philosophy from the perspective of Islamic-Persian culture

World Philosophy Day is an opportunity for everyone to be invited to think independently, without prejudice, with interaction and peace. Creating favorable intellectual conditions for change, development and lasting peace has always been the intellectual concern of all thinkers and reformers. Iran, as one of the cradles of world wisdom and thoughts, and having great philosophers and thinkers has a good capacity to develop and expand this important issue.

The importance of the philosophy goes back to its difference from other sciences. This difference is in the critical views and approaches of this science, as well as relying on its rational and logical arguments in analyzing the cause of events. Throughout human history, philosophers have always paved the way for human beings to understand the nature and the essence of existence, and in today’s world, the study of philosophy and attention to it is an urgent and vital need for all members of society.

Throughout the history of human civilizations, Persia has been considered as one of the most important historical civilizations. With the advent of Islam, an Islamic humanizing doctrine was combined with the rich Persian culture and the Islamic-Persian culture was formed.

Simultaneously with many sciences, Persian Medicine which is named Unani Medicine in some countries, was originated from the sciences of ancient Greek and Persia, and grew significantly in the shadow of Islamic teachings and Persian culture.

Some of precursors of Persian Medicine, such as Avecina, were more knowledgeable in philosophy than medicine and are considered the pioneers and pundits of world philosophy.

The Great Persian Philosophers

Persia has always been the cradle of wisdom and thoughts, and the history of dialogue between Persians and Greeks dates back to 2500 years ago.

The history of philosophy in Persia dates back to pre-Islamic era. However, after advent of Islam, Greek wisdom was transmitted to Eastern Muslims and in this regard, Muslim thinkers such as Avicenna, Farabi and Ibn Muskawiyyah, utilizing the thoughts and opinions of Greek thinkers, established the new Islamic-Persian intellectual system.

Avicenna (Ibn-Sina)

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is one of the most famous Persian philosophers whose philosophical system is a mixture of the most important elements of Peripatetic and Aristotelian philosophy and some issues of Neoplatonic worldview with Islamic religious worldview along with innovations in the structure of thought of this great philosopher.


Another great figure of Islamic philosophy was Sheikh Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi. Suhrawardi’s philosophical school is based on enlightenment, which means radiance and the rising of the sun. This school contains a mixture of philosophy and mysticism, and while believing in reason, does not consider it as the only source of knowledge.

Mulla Sadra can be named as one of the most prominent late Persian philosophers, who had a complete mastery of Islamic philosophy and mysticism and added many new ideas to the works of earlier philosophers.

Allameh Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai and Allameh Mohammad Taghi Jafari are among the greatest contemporary figures in Islamic philosophy. Allameh Tabatabai revived wisdom, philosophy and interpretation in the Shia fields after the Safavid period. He published many religious works and books in the field of philosophy and interpretation, as well as educating many students.

Allameh Mohammad Taqi Jafari is also one of the Muslim philosophers and commentators of Nahj al-Balaghah, the most famous sayings of Imam Ali, who took a step towards the spread of knowledge with a regional and rational approach and left lasting effects in various fields of wisdom, principles and theology.

Ibn Sina’s philosophical school calls on human beings to think independently and without prejudice and mutual understanding and peace.

The main principles of the school of Persian (Unani) Medicine are based on the nature of Islamic-Persian philosophy, on the basis of which human existence, like other beings, is a creature of Allah the Creator, and the axes of his life in this school are as follows:

1- The main purpose of the creation is the spiritual development of humans. In this regard, Allah gave intellect as an internal guidance and sent prophets as external guidance to complete man prosperity.

2- Man goes through the path of his evolution through the two lights of science-experience, and the guidance of the prophets.

3- Human health has two dimensions, spiritual and physical.

4- In the spiritual dimension, life is regulated based on a devout approach.

5- Paying attention to the origin and the ultimate goal of creation, knowing the Creator, carrying out the commands sent by Allah in a part of life processes, gives a special spirit to life.

6- In the material dimension, the use of all scientific experiences of scientists in ensuring human health is considered.

7- In this school, scientific experiences must pass the filter of Islamic teachings

8-From this perspective, the behaviors and food that are forbidden from the Islamic point of view, although they may have some apparent benefits, are harmful to perfect health, which includes the health of body and soul.

9- Observing a healthy lifestyle such as observing the principles of sleeping, eating and drinking based on medical and religious advice for both the health of the body and the health of the soul and gaining spiritual points

10- Belief in the Hereafter and the hope of receiving divine rewards make it much easier to endure many hardships that are harmful to human health and are increasing in the present time.

As a conclusion in the school of Iranian medicine, which is derived from the wisdom and philosophy of Iranians and Greeks and is adorned with Islamic teachings, medicine and spirituality are in a two-way relationship with each other, and observing all aspects of these two axis can lead man to perfect health. Therefore a person who follows this school can much better observe the principle of a healthy lifestyle and the devout life of man using religious teachings and medical experiences has the potential to improve human health.

In the hope of a world full of peace and health,
In the shadow of the transcendent divine wisdom

Dr. Morteza Mojahedi – World Philosophy Day – 18 November 2021

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About the Author: Dr. Morteza Mojahedi

Dr. Morteza Mojahedi